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American Indian Code of Ethics

1. Rise with the sun to pray alone. Pray often. The Creator will listen, if you only speak. “Be Humble.”

2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealously and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance to walk the Red path. “Helping others to walk the right path will strengthen ones spirit.”

3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. “We make our own path in life and our journey is of our own choosing. Do not blame others for its outcome.”

4. Treat the guest in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed, and treat them with respect and honor. “Treat others as we wish to be treated and love others as you would love yourself.”

5. Do not take what is not yours whether it is from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours. Share with others to burden their needs.

6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth – whether it be people or plants.

7. Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression. “Respect Free Speech.” Always respect your elders for their life journey is full of wisdom.

8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you. “What goes around comes around.”

9. All persons make mistakes, and all mistakes can be forgiven. “No one is perfect.” Forgiveness is a strength and anger is a weakness.

10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism. “Live and Love every Day.” A positive attitude will take you very far in life.

11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family. “Respect all Things. ”The creator made all the universe, so respect everything in his creation.

12. Children are seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.

13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.

14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe. “Speak from the Heart.” “For the truth will always set you free.”

15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self and Physical self – all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to secure emotional ails. “Walk straight the Red Path and avoid the extremes of life.”

16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your actions. “With Responsibility comes Accountability.”

17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others – especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.

18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first. “Be happy with yourself.” You must like yourself before you can like others.

19. Respect others’ religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others. “Let others Worship as they may.” "Accept the privilege of worshiping the creator according to the dictates of our won conscience, and allow all persons the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

20. Share your good fortunes with others. Participate in charity. One must give as much as ones take’s in life, thus balancing your universe. “It is better to give then receive.”

Our Success is only as Good as our Team of Volunteers

We are a grassroots volunteer charity. we strive for 100% of all donations to reach those in need. Our Board, Staff and Volunteers have agreed to accept no salaries for our work with this corporation. Our efforts are to ensure the continual movement of donations and supplies to our fellow Native Americans who are truly in need. Our motive is the sincere desire to serve from the heart, as our ancestors did.

Some of these dedicated volunteers have decades of experience in humanitarian programs, working unselfishly while receiving payments of warm smiles, thank you hugs and heart felt love.

There is no greater satisfaction of the heart then to see the smile on a child’s face when handing them a toy or an elder’s smile upon receiving a warm blanket. There is no greater joy then to serve those who can not serve themselves.




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