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Donation Report

No other Charity does so much with so little than AIHF.

Make A Donation, Help Our Cause

On top of our making direct donations to our People, we have numerous individuals, churches & groups who we assist through our contacts to make deliveries of supplies, offer manual labor & other services to Indian country across North America. It's all about the service to help others.

There is too many to name and many prefer to stay anonymous. But we thank them for their commitment to serve their fellow man.


Pictures of Donation Drives

2007 Winter Donations Pine Ridge Rez

2008 Winter Donations to Pine Ridge Rez

2009 Winter Pine Ridge Donation Drive Pictures (tag here)

2010/2011 Donations Pictures

2012 Donation Pictures

2013 Donation Pictures

2014 Donation Pictures

2015 Donations Pictures

Donation Financial Reports

More Donations, tag here

2006/2007 Donations, Financial Records (tag to review)

2008 Donations, Financial Records (tag to view)

2009 Donations Financial Records(tag to view)

2010 Donations Financial Records (tag here)

2011 Donations Financial Records (tag here)

2011 Donation Financial Report (tag here)

2012 Donation Financial Report (tag here)


Financial Donation Legal Guidelines as Required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


"The corporation shall at no time accept donations that impose conditions or restrictions set forth by the donor. The Organization may take into consideration suggestions offered by the donor as to how and when they would like their donations to be invested, used, distributed, etc. However, the Organization shall at all times maintain the ultimate control and discretion as to the investment, use, distribution, etc. of all donations it receives of which whether or not this coincides with the donor’s wishes.


Donors may offer advise regarding the use of their donations, but only towards our Organization’s programs, and so long as that does not deviate from our mission, federal and state nonprofit laws, etc.


This policy shall be fully disclosed to all existing and potential donors in all of the Organization’s materials (in all formats- written, oral, digital, etc.) that deal with donations (e.g., donation solicitations, brochures / fliers, advertisements, websites, donor agreements / contracts, etc). All donations IAW IRS 501(c)(3) guidelines will require donor “mutual negotiated agreements”.


The Organization shall further disclose all such donors that their contributions may be used only for charitable and/or other 501(c)(3) purposes and not for the direct or indirect private benefit of the donor, designated individuals, or other private interests."

If you wish to donate please send your tax deductable donations to the Texas Branch Office address; AIHF, P.O. Box 419, Waxahachie, Texas 75168, Make donations out to the "American Indian Humanitarian Foundation" or "AIHF". Thank You, we will send you a tax deductable receipt.

Our Success is only as Good as our Team of Volunteers

We are a grassroots volunteer charity. we strive for 100% of all donations to reach those in need. Our Board, Staff and Volunteers have agreed to accept no salaries for our work with this corporation. Our efforts are to ensure the continual movement of donations and supplies to our fellow Native Americans who are truly in need. Our motive is the sincere desire to serve from the heart, as our ancestors did.

Some of these dedicated volunteers have decades of experience in humanitarian programs, working unselfishly while receiving payments of warm smiles, thank you hugs and heart felt love.

There is no greater satisfaction of the heart then to see the smile on a child’s face when handing them a toy or an elder’s smile upon receiving a warm blanket. There is no greater joy then to serve those who can not serve themselves.




AIHF charges “NO” fees for any services provided. AIHF does not assume responsibility for errors, and all information provided via this Web site is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by AIHF at any time without notice. Links from these pages to external Web sites are provided as a service to visitors and do not constitute an endorsement by AIHF. Certain programs, services, projects and links listed here are not operated by nor are they the responsibility of AIHF. Some information published herein is gathered from sources which are thought to be reliable, but the reader should not assume that the information is official or final.

Utah Mailing Address

97 S. Main #327

Brigham City, Utah 84302



Texas Mailing Address

P.O. Box 419

Waxahachie, TX 75168



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