We have kept everyone informed of our filing status here on this page. We appreciate all those
who have donated funds this year. You will receive a letter detailing your donations for 2011 for tax purposes. Thank you
for your support and compassion.
23 March: Agreed to review prior filing IRS records & documents to update and resubmit. The
IRS requires numerous documents and forms to be submitted.
28 March: We appointed Huumaay Quisquis to the Board of Directors and upgraded him to National Distribution
Director. We will be making appropiate changes to the corporate personnel to comply with the IRS requirements for non-profit
April 4: We are half way through the financial section of the IRS form 1023. Wow, the form is around 30
pages, not including the numerous extra pages explaining specific itemized expenses or donations.
April 8th, Today completed the large IRS form 1023. Now will need to explain in depth some of the questions
that were answered. Hope to be ready for mailing by the 19th.
April 12, The nearly 100 pages of forms and documents have now be completed and mailed over-night to the
appropriate IRS dept.
April 25, Received a letter from the IRS stating that they have received my applicarion and expect to be
contacted within approximately 90 days from the date of this notice.
May 16, the IRS web site states that they are currently assigning applications received in December 2010.
We have a ways to go.
Aug 1, The IRS status regarding applications for non-profit status reads as " Currently, we are assigning
applications received in January 2011". We submitted our application in April and anticipate some resolve prior to the end
of the year.
Sep 26: The IRS status regarding applications for non-profit status reads as " Currently, we are assigning
applications received in March 2011". We submitted our application in April and anticipate some resolve prior to the end of
the year.
Nov 06: The IRS status regarding applications for non-profit status reads as "Currently, we are assigning
applications received in April 2011". This means we are now under review and look forward to a favorable answer very
November 23, The IRS today stated that our application was assigned to a Determination Specialist on October
25th. We hop to hear positive news soon.
January 05, Received IRS response. We have 3 item to clearify, then they see no problem in granting us nonporfit
status. We have to overnight FEDEX documents to our Board of Directors who are around the country for signiture,
then return to the IRS. Hopfully should not take long.
January 10, Communicated with the IRS agent responsible for our application approval. She stated that
we would be approved back to 2008. Therefore, anyone who donated in 2011 will receive a letter of donations to file with their
2011 taxes. For previous years if someone would require a contribution letter you must request it by notifying us.
January 13, Sent overnight to the IRS our amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws signed by the Directors.
Now awaiting their approval.
Febuary 01, 2012, as of this date the IRS has approved us as a National recognized NonProfit 501(c)(3)
Corporation. We are authorized be effective as of January 07, 2008. Considering we only have a few dedicated individuals who
donated a lot the previous years, they show no interest in filing for any year except 2011. Thererfore, we
can give tax deduction to the larger number of individuals who donated last year. You will receive a letter from us soon.
Financial Donation Legal Guidelines as Required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
corporation shall at no time accept donations that impose conditions or restrictions set forth by the donor. The Organization
may take into consideration suggestions offered by the donor as to how and when they would like their donations to be invested,
used, distributed, etc. However, the Organization shall at all times maintain the ultimate control and discretion as to the
investment, use, distribution, etc. of all donations it receives of which whether or not this coincides with the donor’s
may offer advise regarding the use of their donations, but only towards our Organization’s programs, and so long as
that does not deviate from our mission, federal and state nonprofit laws, etc.
policy shall be fully disclosed to all existing and potential donors in all of the Organization’s materials (in all
formats- written, oral, digital, etc.) that deal with donations (e.g., donation solicitations, brochures / fliers, advertisements,
websites, donor agreements / contracts, etc). All donations IAW IRS 501(c)(3) guidelines will require donor “mutual
negotiated agreements”.
Organization shall further disclose all such donors that their contributions may be used only for charitable and/or other
501(c)(3) purposes and not for the direct or indirect private benefit of the donor, designated individuals, or other private
If you wish to donate please send your donations to the Texas Branch Office address; AIHF, P.O. Box 419, Waxahachie,
Texas 75168, Make donations out to the American Indian Humanitarian Foundation or AIHF. Thank You