Vernon is a principal spokesman for the American Indian Movement and a leader in actions ranging from the 1972 occupation
of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington to the 1992 Redskin Superbowl demonstrations. He is Co-founder and first Executive
Director of the Denver AIM Chapter. His involvement at Wounded Knee in 1973 led to a Federal indictment. He is a special representative
of the International Indian Treaty Council and helped organize the first Treaty Conference in 1974. He was elected to a 4-year
term in his White Earth tribal government and developed a model program for the spiritual education of Indian prisoners. Vernon
is President of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports & Media and recipient of the City of Phoenix, Martin Luther
King Human Rights Award 1993.
*Spiritual, Cultural, Philosophical, Ideological, Social, Economic, & Political Realities
*The American Indian Movement: 1492 to the Present
*The International Indian Treaty Council: 1974 to the Present
*Indian Tribal Law, and International Treaty Law
*Constitutional Rights, FBI/CIA Surveillance & Covert Action
*Mascots & Stereotypes